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Anatomy of Living

Jun 27, 2017

What do x-ray satellites, writing, learning, leadership, art, burpees, entrepreneurship and marathons have to do with one another? They are all part of the diverse life of our special guest: Joshua Spodek. He has led seminars in leadership, entrepreneurship, creativity and sales at Harvard, Princeton, MIT, INSEAD...

Jun 7, 2017

Technology has truly revolutionized our lives in the modern era. We have technology that allows us to organize our lives more efficiently, speak with people across the planet, help a failing heart beat, photograph the depths of the human body inwardly and explore the cosmos outwardly, and much more. But can...

Jun 1, 2017

Pregnancy is a time for large transformations. Bodies change and bodies are grown. People grow physically, mentally and emotionally. It can be a very powerful time for everyone involved, but it can also be a difficult and stressful time. How does one hold onto their center during the chaotic moments of pregnancy...